Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Bedroom Makeover

When we first decided to redecorate our bedroom, I wasn't 100% sure what I wanted to do or where to even begin. I had looked at so many different ideas on Pinterest. I saw a pin on Pinterest that I fell in love with. I just knew that I wanted to do something similar to that.  It was wooden letters over the bed with a & sign. Trying to decide what colors to do was a whole another ball game. I thought I had my mind set on a coral and gray color but that quickly changed after I went shopping and couldn't find anything I like in those colors. We had made a trip to Bed, Bath, & Beyond and looked at some comforter sets. My husband was actually was the one who picked out our comforter set.  I absolutely love it.

I love looking for deals and doing DIY projects. I got almost everything at Michaels.

I love how the heart looked without paint but I decided to paint it so it wouldn't clash with my walls. I used the Americana Multisurface Satin Paint in waterfront and pewter. I had black picture frames, I painted those in pewter as well.

My favorite item I brought was my sign "What I love most about my home is the family I share it with". The best thing about it was I got it 60% off.  I only paid twelve dollars for it. I love discounts!

I also added some of my son's artwork to complete our bedroom. Even though the cute red fish does not match at all.  I had to have it because it's one my favorites.

The next on my list is to change our light. I'm not a fan of the gold.


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